HOPENZ aims to provide realistic and sustainable solutions to the people of Cambodia and the Philippines.
In these two south-east Asian nations, the basics of life can be hard to come by. Many people live in desperate poverty and sickness with no hope of change.
We focus on clean water, sustainable agriculture, income development and education and training.
Our mission is to offer a hand up, not a hand out. With this principle in mind, we undertake people-oriented projects that empower communities in need.
HOPENZ’s vision is to help create rural communities in which the poorest of the poor can achieve their full potential and live healthier and more secure lives.
HOPENZ is a Christian based organisation that helps all people in our project sites, without discrimination to religious or political beliefs. HOPENZ is not affiliated to any specific denomination.
- To assist the neglected poor in the developing world to help themselves.
- To encourage the development of the whole person.
- To inform and educate Kiwis regarding the issues related to the developing world.
- To motivate Kiwis to action in support of the developing world.